
中心思想 Central Idea:
Plants maintain and support lives on earth and it is our responsibilities to take care of them.


How can we promote plant sustainability during the “action” phase of the transdisciplinary theme, Sharing the Planet – Plants? The K2 children and teachers brainstormed “What are the ways we can look after plants based on what we have learned?” “What are our responsibilities?” Through discussion, we decided to organize a “Plant Charity Flea Market”.
前期准备一:认识钱币 Introduction to money

“What do you know about money?” Have you ever been to the supermarket and bought something with money? ”
In the classroom, children tried using “money” to buy things, exploring the concept of money and number operation math concept.
前期准备二:设计摊位招牌 Designing booth signages

After discussing with their parents at home, children designed signages by drawing the products and the cost price of the merchandise they would be selling, creating unique signages for their booths.
前期准备三:制作邀请函 Invitation

The children made posters and invitations too. Besides inviting the parents, the children also around the school to invite the teachers and K3 children to attend our Plant Charity Flea Market.
植物义卖集市正式开始 Let’s begin our Plant Charity Flea Market:

Flower cupcake for ¥10, waxberry juice for ¥8, popcorn for ¥5, 2 packets of homemade tea bags for ¥5, succulent plant for ¥10, homemade plant soap for ¥5… Children and their parents worked together to create various plant related merchandise, forming a little flea market including food, drinks and entertainment all in one!
“大家快来买呀! Everybody,come and buy it!”

“How much is it?”
“5 dollars.”
“Can it be cheaper?”
“It’s aleady very affordable. This is a charity flea market and the proceeds will all be donated.”
公益募捐 Charity Fund-raising

Rich and diverse booths, cheerful promoting voices, lovely children, warm parents and friends; weaving into a colourful and unique Wesley Kindergarten Plant Charity Flea Market!
Charity Fund-raising
After the event, children put the money which they had earned into the charity box. Teachers, together with some of our helpful parents came together to account for all raised funds and released the total amount raised to the everyone.
环保公益证书 Certificate of donation

Finally, we donated the funds we had raised to the Red Forest Foundation for “Rebuilding the Marine Forest” project. We want to sincerely thank all children and parents for their charitable deeds!
We also received the certificate of donation and a thank-you video from the Red Forest Foundation, making the children really proud of their “Action” for this inquiry unit.

Through the “Action” phase of the Plant unit, children gained extensive knowledge of plants and also realized the importance of plants and the interdependence between humans and plants through inquiry and experiential learning. Through organizing the charity flea market as the culminating event, children also had the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship, boost confidence in public speaking and contribute to meaningful fundraising. We have offically come to the end of the inquiry on Sharing the Planet – Plants, but our love and friendship with plants will always remain. Do look forward to our next learning journey!