快乐六一 环游世界
It is that special time of year again. That special time of year when we celebrate what it means to be a child. When we gather together, share our favorite games, play with friends old and new, and share all our wonderful, tasty treats. That’s right, it is Children’s Day again! Every year on June 1st we can feel the excitement and magic in the air as the eagerly anticipated day arrives. This morning the rain clouds parted, making way for a bright, fresh breezy day full of wonder and magic. I bet all of our parents can’t wait to see what we got up to, so without further ado please follow the photo journey below to share the Children’s day magic with us.

Let the festivities begin 六一 我们来了
Our children’s day festivities began with a welcoming introduction from our wonderful hosts, teacher Qiuqiu and Teacher Adrian. This is where we built up the atmosphere, heard the instructions on how to safely engage in the activities, and then got the events under way.
“Are we ready?” “Yeah, Let’s go!” it was time to get into the many activities that were on offer. This time around, it was going to be an open style for all of the K2 and K3 children – meaning that they could freely explore the different games areas spread around the campus.
全体小朋友欢聚在操场上,听热情洋溢的裘裘老师和Teacher Adrian和大家介绍活动流程和游园公约。伴随着孩子们的欢呼声,六一游园活动正式开始啦!

K1A – England 贴鼻子
“I love Peppa Pig”
Children had lots of fun putting the nose onto Peppa pig in this fun little activity.
“我喜欢小猪佩奇”,小猪佩奇和Teacher Adam一样来自英国哦!看似简单贴鼻子

K1B – Ukraine花环
Beautiful traditional hair decorations were being made in K1B. Teacher Natalie showed us how she put all her love and care into helping every child make their very own!
Teacher Natalie在这里耐心指导小朋友们怎么制作花环。

K2A – Singapore鱼尾狮

K2B – Ireland 三叶草风车和爱尔兰舞蹈
In K2B children had the chance to learn about some of the traditional symbols of Ireland such as Irish dancing and shamrocks. After making our shamrock windmill handcrafts, we got to put on our dancing feet and learn some funky moves!
三叶草是爱尔兰的象征,Teacher Adrian和小朋友一起制作三叶草叶片风车,他鼓励小朋友,可以任意挑选自己喜欢的颜色进行装饰。做完风车,他邀请小朋友跟随音乐跳起爱尔兰传统舞蹈!

K3A – Spain 凌空气球

K3B – Nigeria 足球小将
Teacher Michael shared his passion for exercise, and in particular football, with all of the visitors to the K3B classroom today.
Wow we really worked up a sweat. Who knew we had so many talented little footballers in our school!
热爱运动的Teacher Michael带来了他喜爱的足球,在他的带领下,足球小将们在挑战赛中通力合作,对起阵来丝毫不示弱哦!

K3C – South Africa 非洲鼓
“We are the champions” we could hear the sounds of the African drums rumbling through the hallways from the K3C classroom as Teacher Ruben shared his countries traditional drums with the children.
Teacher Ruben和孩子们伴着音乐的节奏,打起非洲鼓。在非洲,手鼓不只是乐器,它传承着非洲古老的传统,思想和艺术!

Sugar Art 手工糖画
Outside of the classroom there were also plenty of other activities to enjoy. One of which was this sugar art activity. Children got to feast on all different shapes of candy as they refueled for their next activity.

Throw – Ring toss快乐套圈
A classic carnival game to test our aiming skills and have the chance to win some prizes too! In the lego classroom we had a ring tossing game.

Face painting画脸
One of the stops on this morning’s adventure was face painting. The talented teacher Cindy helped to transform children into their favorite characters, animals or whatever else they could imagine. Wow, how amazing!

Movie theater 快乐影院
“I like to watch movies with my friends”. Children gather in the multifunction room to enjoy a relaxing short movie with their friends.

Treasure hunt 沙池寻宝
“A dinosaur, I found a dinosaur”
Outside children grabbed their spades and started digging in the sandpit to find what treasures were hidden. So many dinosaurs!
“恐龙,我找到一只恐龙。” 挖到恐龙的小朋友兴奋不已,惊喜地和大家分享自己的新发现。

Lunch time 午餐时光
After a truly action-packed morning everyone was very hungry once the activities came to an end. When the activities ended, we made our way back to our own respective classrooms for some tasty lunch. As today was Children’s Day, lunch time was also a little more special than usual. Today children enjoyed a buffet style lunch together. Serving up delicious pizza, pasta, fruit and other tasty goodies. Wow, looks great! Thanks chef!

A special gift for a special day 节日惊喜

Children’s day poem
My childhood was fun,
Tough and exciting,
My childhood was one,
Where there wasn’t much fighting,
This is my childhood,
My childhood was filled,
With family and friends,
My childhood was filled,
With love and lots of happy holidays, Happy Children’s Day to all Wesley Children.
童心不泯 永远快乐