On the chilly Thursday morning of January 9th Wesley Kindergarten in Gongshu kicked off its third New Year’s concert at the Fengma in Theatre in Xixi Impression City Mall. This concert marks the beginning of the New Year and is a welcome opportunity for the children to express themselves. This was Wesley’s third New Year’s concert and it was, as always, exciting and fulfilling!

We have a person at Wesley Kindergarten who welcomes children to school every morning, who always wears a big smile upon her face, and loves to record stories of daily life to share with everyone. She is always enthusiastic, cheerful, and confident. She is our beloved Principal Louise. Principal Louise thanked each child for their dedication to their rehearsals and expressed how proud she was of their daily progress.

The children from class K2A wore Hmong outfits and opened the concert with the first performance, Sister Miao, allowed the children to take center stage and express themselves through a wonderful dance.

The little children of PreK-B used the beautiful songs to remind everyone of the blessing of the Chinese New Year. The little palms and tuanmengbao performed a lovely song and dance!

PreK-C children sang and danced to the song Silent Night Thoughts.

K2C was a huge hit as soon as they walked onto the stage! They carried African drums and performed the famous We Will Rock You song to much applause.
K2C的全体宝贝们一上场就轰动啦,他们一个个身背非洲鼓,带来了一首充满异域风情的非洲鼓表演——《We will rock you》!

The Chinese dream, the children’s dream, is also the dream of the future. Although all of the children are small, they are ambitious and everyone could see a lovely group of children dream big. The children of Pre-K D brought us a wonderful performance of Chinese Little Dream Baby.

PreK-A’s children worse adorable little animal costumes and performed Zodiac for everyone.

At Wesley Kindergarten there is a dance club that teaches superb dancing skills. This class had a great performance as they brought us a dynamic dance of Jing Wu Men and a very well-choreographed hip-hop style dance. They also treated everyone to a “Cow and Little Dragon Man” dance. Let’s take a look!
在唯诗礼幼儿园,有那么一个自编自导,舞技高超的舞蹈社团,他们不仅带来了动感十足的《精武门》和超燃超炸的hip hop表演,一群会跳舞的小奶牛还带来了精彩的舞蹈串烧《奶牛舞+小龙人》!让我们一起来看看吧~

In the 5,000 year long history of the Chinese nation we listen to ancient rhyme and rhythm and read beautiful ancient texts. All of the children from K1A performed a rendition of Let It Go from the Disney movie Frozen.
在中华民族五千年的历史长河中,我们聆听古诗书韵,诵读千古美文。K1A的全体宝贝们通过《孔子爷爷➕let it go》的表演。带大家一起坐上时光穿梭机,重温经典的同时,感受冰雪带来的奇妙景象!

In the old days of Acacia, one could pick a handful of red beans to allow love to flow into the heart during travels. K3A girls brought us Acacia Yin. At the same time, the K3A boys presented their English picture play Christmas at the Zoo. The children of K3A wrote and directed this performance themselves!
在相思的日子里,采撷一把红豆,让爱更近一点,让相思跟着心一起远行。K3A的女生们带来了《相思吟》。同时K3A的男生们也呈现了他们在“故事”探究单元中的英文绘本剧《Christmas at the zoo》。值得一提的是,这可是大班小朋友们自编自导的哦!

K1B’s children used a fan as a prop to bring us the lovely performance of Perfect Fan coupled with beautiful music. It really was a wonderful performance!

Martial Arts have long been a part of the Chinese soul. For thousands of years, martial arts has been used as a national symbol of physical fitness and justice, and has strong cultural ties with ancient China. K2B’s performance reminds us about some important qualities of martial arts – strength and independence.

The music enrichment class, which was only opened this year, was not to be outdone as they put on a great rendition of Little Red Riding Hood.

In addition to all of the children of Wesley Kindergarten at today’s venue, Princess Aisha, Batman, and The Lion King, and many other mysterious characters came out today. It turned out that the children will entertain us with Something just like this.
今天的会场上除了唯诗礼的全体小朋友,艾莎公主、蝙蝠侠、狮子王还有好多神秘的人物都来到了这里,原来是K2A的小朋友要带来合唱《Something just like this》!

The K2C class showed us all a great performance that demonstrated a deep understanding of Chinese culture. They brought us a show of martial arts as well as a rendition of an Opera show called Little Flower Dan.

2019 was a great year and full of happiness and development for everyone. We would like to take this time to express our profound gratitude to all of the parental volunteers that helped us. The success of a major event such as this New Year’s party wouldn’t have been possible without the cooperation of many people! It is because of the efforts of everyone involved that we were able to pull off another successful show. Thank you!