国风童韵 尚德明礼——记拱墅区唯诗礼幼儿园2020年秋季开学典礼
People often say a good beginning is the job half done and the beginning of a new academic year is probably the most important event for all of us. On this unseasonably warm last day of summer, Gongshu One campus of Wesley kindergarten welcomed its little students to a new exciting year of their lives. The kindergarten made all the necessary preparations to make this happy occasion possible despite the epidemic and everyone was delighted to reunite after a long summer holiday. The nurse was ready with a thermometer and the classes prepared activities in their own classrooms as a concession to these trying times. All the children have grown taller, learned new skills, gained new experiences and couldn’t wait to share with their teachers and friends.

As the children entered the kindergarten they were immediately invited to have a taste of various traditional Chinese activities. The most popular stations were of course the big Chinese drum that let the children showcase their musical talents and the calligraphy activity where the children were encourage to try creating good wishes with ink and brushes. Some children needed parents’ help, some children insisted on doing it by themselves but everybody had a red poster with a good message for the coming year at the end of it.




Let’s peek into the classrooms one by one now and see what special experiences the teachers prepared.
K3A children embraced fully the traditional Chinese culture that reigned today and painted fans that symbolized their wishes and thoughts for the new year. The creativity in this classroom was overflowing and most fans they produced belong in an art gallery. Well done, K3A!

The K3B class talked about their new responsibilities now that they are getting ready to start school in a year. The children felt very proud of themselves for having come this far and made special postcards about the final kindergarten year. You can see they take this new stage in their lives very seriously and are all looking forward to happy times at school.
K3B 班的小朋友讨论了他们的新责任。他们为升班感到骄傲,并制作关于幼儿园最后一学年的特别明信片。

Where is K3C going to fly in this what looks like a hot-air balloon? Into the next school year, of course! The children are so impatient to start, they had to pin their wishes to a fast-flying object and what a work of art it is! If you want to see how a drop of creative thought from everybody combined into a fountain of genius, welcome to K3C today.
K3C 制作放飞梦想的热气球。

What are the K2 classes doing in this special occasion? The children have changed so much after the summer they almost can not recognize their old friends. How did K2A class handle this situation? They played Musical Chairs and made cards about themselves. This was a lot of fun to do and helped everybody remember that they are one big happy team.
在这个特殊场合,中班的小朋友在做什么呢?暑假之后,中班的孩子们变化很大,他们几乎认不出老朋友了。K2A 班的小朋友如何开动脑筋解决这种状况的呢?他们演奏特制的音乐椅,并制作自己的名牌。

In K2B, the students got reacquainted to each other with a pass the dice game. And then Teacher Sunny taught everyone how to handcraft a stylish watch with just paper and stickers. Now everyone has the instrument that will help them to be at the gate on time every morning. We believe in you, K2B!

K1A had an exciting morning filled with songs and games. Everybody’s favorite Five Little Monkeys went down a storm, followed by the extremely fun passing of the balloon and grabbing of the red envelope. The children loved the opening day and the parents loved that the children were happy.
K1A的班级活动充满了歌曲和游戏。有孩子们喜欢的Five Little Monkeys,还有每个人都乐在其中的传气球和激烈的抢红包游戏,无不让K1A的整个早上充满欢声笑语。

The children and parents of K1B battled the heat of Hangzhou with a relay race held outside. Laughing and running and carrying the children and dropping the balls – this was not for the weak-hearted but everybody enjoyed it a lot. Then they all went into the classroom and made a paper figure of their favorite family member. Not all eyes grew on faces but it’s the thought that counts.

Prek also held a warm and happy opening ceremony today. Early in the morning, Minnie and Kenny rabbit welcomed the children to the garden at the gate.

A welcome ceremony was held in the small theater on the second floor to welcome the new children to enter the warm family. After that, the children were divided into two groups. Under the guidance of the teacher, they carried out the small games of art finger painting and music rhythm, and went to the newly decorated classroom for fun parent-child activities. Let’s have a look~

On today’s warm and happy opening day, Pricipal Yu also sent a message to all the children for the new semester. She sincerely wish every child a healthy and happy growth in weishili kindergarten, a fertile land of love and hope!

On today’s warm and happy opening day, Pricipal Yu also sent a message to all the children for the new semester. She sincerely wish every child a healthy and happy growth in weishili kindergarten, a fertile land of love and hope!