It has been an exciting and energetic week in Wesley school as each class returns to see their beloved kindergarten again. It is even more exciting today, the day K1 classes return after the long period away because of the epidemic. There were smiles all around as kids, parents and teachers were all finally reunited.
Let us share the magic that unfolded today!
五月的风夹杂着思念的气息,翘首以盼,终于等到重逢。新的一周,万花丛中开,在唯诗礼幼儿园这片我们深爱的土地上依然充满着生机与活力,也迎来了它等待已久的孩子们。今天,在经过漫长的分别之后,K1也终于正式按下新学期的“启动键”,重返“好久不见”的幼儿园。暖阳当空,微风拂曳。随着大门的开启,那道童真靓丽的风景线再次映入眼帘……孩子、家长与老师相约在此。一个眼神, 一个微笑,一句问候, 一声回应,一切都是熟悉的味道,每一个人都在期待着这次的相逢。

1.Coming back to the kindergarten
As the kids returned to school this morning, they were warmly welcomed back by our principal, teachers, school nurse and security guards at our front gate. As we know by now the procedure for entering the kindergarten has changed a little to ensure the safety of all children entering the kindergarten.
“Good morning everyone, we missed you!”……

“I got my green card, bye bye Mom, bye bye Dad”.
Entering the kindergarten one by one, we complete our morning checks and registration!

Wow!What a surprise! Today Dingdang cat and Tiger qiao came to help us out with the opening day celebration. Can you guess who they are? Well it turned out to be our wonderful parents. A special thanks to both Jason’s father and Happy’s father for the surprise and joy that they brought to the children on this special day.
2.We love learning
“Everybody circle time, circle time”
Why have we been away from kindergarten for so long? What is a ‘virus’? how do we wash our hands properly and keep safe?
Today’s class was about answering these questions and more. We learned a little more about the virus and understand the importance of good hygiene.

3.Fun with our friends
“I want to play……”
After we finished our morning snack and morning learning activities, it was time to go outside and play in the playground. It has been so long since we got to feel the excitement of the wind blowing through our hair as we slide down the slide or cycle the bicycles. Beaming smiles from kids and teachers flooded Wesley kindergarten on this special day.

4. Safety first
“Look how well we can line up!”
On their first day back in kindergarten the K1 children do a great job keeping a 1-meter distance. With the encouragement and support of the teachers we work together to keep everyone safe while enjoying the day’s activities.
回到幼儿园的第一天,幼儿园出现了一道新“风景”,活动排队间隔一米,洗手用餐间隔一米,游戏活动间隔一米, 让一米成为最好的距离,最美的守护。在老师们的悉心照料下,我们开启了美好的一天。

“This is how we wash our hands”
We careful wash and dry our hands as we move from activity to activity.

“It’s lunch time, I’m so hungry!”
After an action-packed morning the K1 kids were eager to taste our chef’s delicious cooking again. The safety partition on the tables keeps us safe while still being able to enjoy lunch with our classmates.

“Clean up, wash your hands, nap time”
K1 children getting ready to take a nap after a busy morning of activities and fun.

5. Home time again
“Bye bye teacher, see you Monday!”
At the end of the day parents make an orderly queue outside the collection gate waiting to pick up their children and hear all about the first day back at kindergarten.
Our kids happily wave goodbye to their teachers and look forward to returning on Monday.

Back to kindergarten
Welcome back!
Time for Work
Time for fun
Smile brightly
On your way
School has started
Just today