唯诗礼幼儿园 第一届音乐社团汇报演出
在唯诗礼,我们希望每一位孩子都能够成为最好的自己。为了给孩子们提供一次用音乐来展现和表达自己的机会。借本次暖冬音乐节活动,我们组织了以“音为有你 听见未来”为主题的音乐社团第一届汇报演出活动。
At Wesley we want every child to be the best that they can be. Taking advantage of this year’s ‘Warm Winter’ event, we organized the first musical recital according to the different interests and characteristics of the children participating. A rich variety of performance types, such as ensemble, solo piano, piano four hands and orff instruments were organized for the recital. During the performances, children were able to display their confidence and allowed themselves to bloom on stage. This event was organized in order to provide an opportunity for children to express themselves through music.

According to the children’s different interests and characteristics, we have organized a variety of performance types, such as piano ensemble, piano solo, four-hand ensemble, orff instrument performance, etc., so that the children can display their confidence and flourish on this stage.What does music give us? What will it bring to the children?

当孩子们灵巧的手指在黑白琴键上如舞蹈般跳跃,谜底随之慢慢揭开 !
When children’s dexterous fingers dance on the black and white keys, the mystery will be revealed!

当聚光灯亮起,热爱音乐的孩子们瞬间变成了舞台上的焦点。他们的琴艺或心手相应,或稍显稚嫩,但这些都无碍他们心中因音乐而萌生的美好。 开心喜悦,鲜花与笑脸相映,整场汇报演出俨然一片欢腾的海洋。
When the spotlight came on, the music loving children became the focus of the stage. Their piano skills, careful crafted notes and even some slight immaturity added to the beauty and purity of the music and the performance.Happiness, joy, flowers and smiling faces reflected on each other. The whole recital was like a sea of jubilation.

Each note one by one, like a beautiful lantern flashing a charming light; elegant music, like a winter sun warming our hearts.

The whole performance cannot be carried out without our host. Let’s see the host’s elegant demeanor together!

Children dressed in beautiful costumes, to meet the cheerful melody, with the cheerful music, playing, dancing.One by one, children will be able to put music and life into perspective, bringing us into a colorful world of music.

children can grow up in the natural and rich artistic atmosphere of Wei-shi-li, and gradually improve their aesthetic appreciation and creativity through continuous cultivation.

For us, the first Wesley music association piano concert is not only a stage for us to feel the beauty of art and show ourselves, but also an interactive class to improve our artistic quality.One photo records the time on the stage overflows the color, also records the story which audience cannot see in the theater.

The sound of the piano is still ringing in our ears, and the children’s piano dream is still soaring forward. But the first piano musical recital of Wesley school has come to an end for now.However, our artistic journey with children is still moving forward. We are willing to walk hand in hand with children and protect their dreams all the way!Let us move forward on this road and grow together. For now, we look forward to the next time we can create such a wonderful experience, with a bigger stage, with even more joy, allowing children to add yet another artistic stroke to their life.