The early summer wind cleared the haze of the outbreak and brought an end to the long winter vacation. Through the efforts and hard work of all of staff members, many simulated drills were carried out in order to get ready for the kindergarten reopening. Following careful inspections of all departments, Wesley Kindergarten’s K3 children were finally able to usher in the beginning of school on the morning of the 18th of May.

“Good morning everyone … welcome back!”
Early this morning our Principal, Security Guards and teachers gathered at the gate of the kindergarten, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the children. Due to the recent epidemic, the methods of entering the kindergarten each morning are slightly different for the new semester.

Children carrying their school bags, wearing their masks, form an orderly queue in the school gate waiting area with their parents.

The first step to entering the kindergarten is to swipe the health card and complete health registration. We show our infant citizen card, green Hangzhou health code and our pickup and drop off card before entering the kindergarten.

Then sanitize our little hands to remove any bacteria that may have been picked up on the way to school.

Immediately following the first temperature test and morning check, our gentle health teacher will carefully examine the child’s mouth and hands to measure the body temperature. Once the registration and temperature checks have been completed the child will receive a green card.
All children entering the kindergarten must receive a green card, ensuring the health of everyone entering.

The kindergarten also welcomed in some members of the CDC staff to supervise the epidemic prevention work on the first day of school.

Teachers and children use their hearts to express the excitement of starting school again after this special period.

The children, under the guidance of the teacher, lined up at a distance of 1 meter and entered the class in an orderly manner.

Paying close attention to hygiene, we wash our hands in groups before and after each activity of the day.

Before lunch we complete our second temperature check.
The school has prepared a safety partition that will keep everyone safety spaced 1 meter apart during lunch time. Now the children can enjoy the chef’s nutritious and delicious lunch again, look at their happy faces and clean plates.

During nap time, the children are divided into two groups upstairs and downstairs. The children’s bed spacing has also been adjusted to 1 meter apart.

During school time, in order to stagger peak times, there will be two exits from the Kindergarten.

The theme of the first lesson on the opening day of school is “epidemic prevention and control”. In the lesson the teacher shares some information about the epidemic with the children and discusses epidemic prevention techniques. The teacher also shows the children the seven – step method of hand washing and helps them to gain a scientific understanding of the virus, enhancing awareness of the virus and everyone’s safety.

Following the long ‘standby’ period, children are happy to be actively involved in a variety of activities
“超长待机”后, 孩子积极参与着丰富多彩的活动。

Happily playing football with classmates.

Look, the children are drawing their self-portraits!

I missed you, slide!

Happily grinning from ear to ear while we do our morning exercise together for the first time after the epidemic.

Let’s run to our heart’s content!

Answering Teacher Ben’s questions with joy and positivity, the kids still really love learning English.
孩子们还是那么喜欢英文,在课堂上积极地回答Teacher Ben的问题。

Beautiful Wesley
We have restored the enthusiasm and vitality,
Everything is on schedule.
There is hope in the eyes
There is children’s laughter,
It’s the most beautiful sound in Wesley.
We are waiting for you to come home!